
PNT is marked as a critical process by the Dutch government. Many processes knowingly or unknowingly depend on the available position and timing information. GNSS often is the main source of PNT information, however GNSS has its vulnerabilities. 

To help you assess the current resilience level in your system, you can find information on GNSS on this website. In the web lectures topics like basic operation principle, signal structures and receivers are covered. On top of that the vulnerabilities of the GNSS system are discussed.  

In the resilience assessment tool you can get a rough estimate of the current resilience level of your system. The assessment tool provides you with a resilience level. A higher resilience level means that your system is more resistant against threats, however, the resilience level that is required for your system also depends on system application. For very critical applications such as power grid managers or large financial institutions, a higher resilience level is required than for less critical applications (such as navigating in your car). When determining your target resilience level, it is advised to take into account what is an acceptable risk of GNSS failure for you, as well as the impact on your system or business in case such a failure does occur.

On this page some tips and tricks are shared to increase your resilience level. These tips and tricks can help you determine an outline for a risk mitigation strategy for your system. Since every system is very different, the tips and tricks on this page do not focus on the technical aspects of the mitigation strategies but instead try to provide a framework for a general plan of action.